All spodumene welcome! LU7’s Bécancour lithium refinery design is perfect for processing hub strategy

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Testing proves Bécancour refinery design can produce battery-grade lithium carbonate using spodumene from all over the world
Second batch of product produced meets battery-grade specifications
Results support Lithium Universe’s goal of addressing the lack of operational spodumene to LCE convertors in North America


Special Report: Ongoing test work has demonstrated that Lithium Universe’s Bécancour lithium refinery design can produce battery-grade lithium carbonate from various types of spodumene sourced from around the world.

The successful metallurgical testing by Linyi University Lithium Research Centre is a big tick in favour of the company’s strategy of developing a lithium processing hub in Québec to help bridge a gap in North America’s battery supply chain.

Lithium Universe’s (ASX:LU7) planned Québec Lithium Processing Hub (QLPH) at Bécancour between Montreal and Québec City will have an independent 1Mtpa concentrator and 16,000tpa battery-grade lithium carbonate refinery.

This will replicate the design and operational methodologies implemented at the Jiangsu lithium carbonate plant in China that much of its management was involved with.

While there are explorers and miners alike in North America, there is a distinct lack of operational lithium spodumene to LCE convertors, a shortcoming the Iggy Tan-led company intends to correct with its planned facility.


Various spodumene concentrates from around the world showing various particle sizing and grades. Pic via LU7


Successful test work

The successful test work by Linyi University saw spodumene samples, ranging from 5% to 6% Li2O with diverse particle sizes that were sourced from Australia, Brazil, and Africa, subjected to comprehensive testing.

Notably, this ability to process spodumene from any part of the world provides feedstock optionality while Canadian supply is being developed.

Adding further confidence, the second batch of lithium batteries tested has successfully met battery-grade specifications.

Furthermore, all streams involved in the testing process have been fully analysed, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the lithium extraction and battery production processes.


The Lithium Universe board and CEO visiting the Linyi Lithium Research Centre. Pic via LU7


Importantly for LU7, the Bécancour process demonstrated its ability to yield a higher quality product while keeping levels of sodium and calcium low.

“Based on the Lithium Dream Team’s experience and network, the company is able to use one of the best lithium research and test facility in the world,” Tan said.

“One of the Professors (Dr Jie Gao) who heads the research institute started her lithium career at the Jiangsu lithium carbonate plant under the guidance of LU7’s non-executive director, Dr Jingyuan Liu.

“We are very pleased with the one-pass success of producing battery-grade lithium carbonate. Our experience with other laboratories around the world is that they cannot achieve such a result in such a short time period.

“The results demonstrate the validity of the process design when processing multiple types of spodumene feedstock from all around the world.

“This places LU7 in a unique position; due to the design not being tied solely to a single spodumene mine but having the flexibility to produce battery-grade lithium carbonate from spodumene feedstocks all around the world.”



This article was developed in collaboration with Lithium Universe, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.


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