Apple Watch Sales Halted in US Amid Patent Dispute with Masimo

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In a significant development rippled through the tech industry, Apple has been prohibited from selling two of its smartwatch models in the United States due to an ongoing patent dispute. The US appeals court has overturned a previous decision that allowed Apple to continue selling its Series 9 and Ultra 2 watches amid legal proceedings. This reversal has also impacted imports of the said watches, marking a pivotal moment in the clash between the tech behemoth and Masimo, a medical technology company.

The crux of the dispute lies in allegations by Masimo and its spin-off Cercacor, which accused Apple of unlawfully acquiring key personnel and technology developed for measuring blood oxygen levels. In October, this contention led the US International Trade Commission (ITC) to concur with Masimo’s claims, resulting in a ban on certain Apple watch imports and sales—a decision initially stayed for appeal but now enforced.

Apple’s response to the ban has been swift and strategic. The company announced its intention to release versions of the watches devoid of the contentious blood oxygen feature, aiming to maintain their market presence. This move underscores Apple’s resilience and adaptability in legal challenges, reflecting its commitment to its consumer base.

Masimo’s CEO, Joe Kiani, hailed the court’s decision as a victory for American inventors, emphasizing the importance of respecting intellectual property rights irrespective of a company’s stature. In contrast, Apple’s statement strongly disagreed with the ITC’s findings, underscoring the company’s intention to appeal while adapting its product offerings to comply with the ruling.

This legal tussle occurs against the backdrop of Apple’s ascendancy in the global smartphone market, where it recently surpassed Samsung to claim the top spot—a testament to its dominant industry position.

The ongoing legal saga between Apple and Masimo highlights the intricate dance between innovation and intellectual property rights and sets a precedent for how tech giants navigate patent disputes. As both companies brace for the following legal rounds, the tech community and consumers watch closely, recognizing the broader implications for the industry’s future dynamics.

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