Argent Minerals find more silver and base metals along strike from Kempfield

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Argent reports further silver-base metal mineralisation at Kempfield NW
The NW zone is along strike from the Kempfield deposit
Company confident of resource upside potential
Drilling approvals are pending


Special Report: Argent Minerals has uncovered more silver-base metal mineralisation over the Kempfield NW Zone, along strike from its Kempfield deposit in New South Wales.

The Kempfield NW Zone was discovered earlier this year as a major mineralisation extension from the Kempfield deposit, along strike from the high grade 16.2Moz silver equivalent Lode 300 Mineralised Block.

Initial drilling returned high-grade assays including up to 177 g/t silver, 1.89% lead and 1.21% zinc.

The company then completed a second rock chip reconnaissance program which has now confirmed extensive silver, copper, lead and zinc mineralisation.

Notable results include:

87.8 g/t Ag, 0.2% Cu, 0.95% Pb & 0.34% Zn,
24.1 g/t Ag, 0.22% Pb, & 0.18% Zn, and
36.8 g/t Ag & 0.19% Zn

Argent Minerals (ASX:ARD) says the results highlight more previously unknown drill targets.


Growth potential outside defined resource

Argent is confident Kempfield NW represents significant exploration upside for the project.

“Further surface assay results have confirmed new mineralised gossans within the Kempfield NW mineralised zone,” managing director Pedro Kastellorizos said.

“These exciting new zones host the same geology and geochemical signatures as the main mineralisation over the Kempfield deposit.

“Based on the defined mineralised dimensions, the strike of the mineralised zones surpasses the existing Kempfield JORC resource area, elevating Kempfield’s exploration upside.”

Exciting stuff, with the Kempfield resource currently sitting at 38.9Mt @ 102 g/t silver equivalent for 127.5 million ounces Ag Eq, containing 42.8Moz silver, 149,200 oz gold, 181,016t lead, and 426,900t zinc.

“We plan to drill these newly defined mineralised zones in 2024 once all regulatory approvals have been granted to Argent,” Kastellorizos said.

Pic: Kempfield NW Zone showing the new outcropping gossans (black colour) over a true width of 15m to 20m. Source: ARD.


Next steps

As it stands, the Ag-Cu-Pb-Zn mineralised trend remains completely untested by drilling.

The company is currently pending drilling approvals from the NSW Regulator to commence the first maiden drill program over this highly prospective mineralised extension.

Meanwhile, Argent is waiting on a further 54 geochemical assay results from Sugarloaf Hill – also at the Kempfield project – and its Pine Ridge gold project, also in NSW.



This article was developed in collaboration with Argent Minerals, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.


This article does not constitute financial product advice. You should consider obtaining independent advice before making any financial decisions.

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