‘Widespread scale of mineralisation’: iTech’s Reynolds Range project is a polymetallic playground

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Historical exploration review by iTech Minerals identifies widespread copper, gold and silver targets at Reynolds Range
Potential mineralisation is across the Lander Shear Zone with a ~70km-long strike length
Tenement package is also prospective for lithium at Mt Stafford prospect


Special Report: iTech Minerals has confirmed widespread copper, gold and silver potential at its Reynolds Range project in the NT after an intensive review of historical exploration.

The 375km2 project is 40km from Arafura Rare Earth’s (ASX:ARU) giant Nolans rare earths project, which is expected to produce 4,400tpa of neodymium/praseodymium oxide, 474tpa heavy rare earths and 144,393tpa of phosphoric acid.

Historically, gold was the primary element of interest, with traditional WA-style supergene gold mineralisation exploration undertaken which relied on soil and lag sampling and RAB drilling.

Previous drilling returned thick, economic grades including a highlight 17m at 3.93g/t gold.

Through recent early exploration iTech Minerals (ASX:ITM) also reckons there’s a good chance of significant copper, silver and even lithium mineralisation at the project.


Mineralisation potential revealed

Widespread outcropping copper mineralisation was identified and sampled at the Scimitar and Reward prospects at Reynolds Range, also showing the potential for coincident gold and silver.

Numerous outcropping low-sulphide gold style veins systems were also identified and sampled at the Sabre, Falchion and Troutbeck prospects.

The exploration work has confirmed the potential for widespread copper, gold and silver mineralisation across the ~70km of strike at the Lander Shear Zone.

ITM says initial on-ground assessments of Reynolds Range Project have significantly encouraged its team to advance exploration for copper and gold at the project.

In particular, ITM says, the Scimitar copper-gold prospect presents a drill ready target with a substantial electromagnetic target, coincident multielement soil anomaly and overlying rock chips, which has not been properly tested before.

Assay results from rock chip sampling are expected in late June.


Historical results from ITM’s Reynolds Range project. Pic supplied: (ITM)


Lithium potential

Highly-fractionalised LCT style pegmatites have been also been identified as part of an on-ground assessment of the Mt Stafford Tin mine at Reynolds Range.

23 samples were taken from numerous pegmatites across the tenement package and submitted for analysis.

“Having visited the Reynolds Range and the numerous copper and gold prospects across the tenement package, I now have a greater appreciation for the widespread scale of mineralisation along the entire 70km tenement package,” ITM MD Michael Schwarz says.

“It was very encouraging to see outcropping copper mineralisation at multiple locations and confirmation of the broader potential for large scale mineralised systems.

“Our team has significant experience in exploring for large scale copper-gold systems in South Australia.

“These are techniques which we can bring to bear on the Reynolds Range project which is largely exposed at surface.”



This article was developed in collaboration with iTech Minerals, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.

This article does not constitute financial product advice. You should consider obtaining independent advice before making any financial decisions.

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