What’s in store for 2024: Altech Batteries

Estimated read time 1 min read

Stockhead’s Fraser Palamara sits down with Altech Batteries (ASX:ATC) CFO Martin Stein to close the books on 2023 and gain a sneak peek into what’s around the corner.

Stein says key achievements for 2023 include continued progress on the commercialisation of Fraunhofer IKTS sodium chloride solid state battery technology, destined for grid storage solutions.

Since the joint venture was signed in 2022, ATC has raced ahead with the definitive feasibility study (DFS) nearing completion.

“As part of the DFS, Altech has selected all of its key suppliers in Germany which include some of the world’s best robotics and engineering companies,” he says.

“We’ve also started the permitting and licencing process to have approval to construct a plant and we’ve also applied for various state government and European government grant subsidies to help with financing.”

Tune in to hear what’s coming up for Altech Batteries in 2024.

The post What’s in store for 2024: Altech Batteries appeared first on Stockhead.

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