Rock Yarns: A rare opportunity at WA’s Cummins Range

Estimated read time 1 min read

Stock analysis veteran and lover of the resources game, Peter Strachan, is back for another instalment of the Rock Yarns podcast.  

In this episode Peter chats to James Durrant, CEO at RareX (ASX:REE).

RareX is currently pioneering the development of Australia’s largest, undeveloped rare earths and phosphate deposit at its Cummins Range project in Western Australia.

Stage 1 operations at Cummins Range are expected to produce an initial 300,000tpa of direct shipping ore phosphate via Wyndham Port.

Tune in to hear Peter and James discuss all this and more! 

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The post Rock Yarns: A rare opportunity at WA’s Cummins Range appeared first on Stockhead.

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