Barry FitzGerald: Read all about it – these these two gold juniors are ready to drop some big news

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There was a wake-up call earlier in the week that the overnight gold price is not always nice to investors in junior gold stocks.

The juniors were pummelled along with the gold producers which to Garimpeiro’s way of thinking is good news because they are better value than they were, assuming the gold price consolidates.

What machinations in the gold price doesn’t do is mess with locked in newsflow from active gold explorers. And where the newsflow is positive, there is a chance for an upwards re-rating from the lower levels for the junior involved.

It’s all quite sweet really. Garimpeiro went looking during the week for some juniors with pending announcements that could make the broad sell-off earlier in the week a distant memory, hopefully at least.

FELIX GOLD (ASX:FXG): Trading mid-week at 5c for a market cap of $12.3 million. Pending newsflow – maiden resource estimate for a key project.

Felix has been quietly working away at its Fairbanks gold project in Alaska where daylight currently lasts for 21 hours and 30 minutes.

So if you want to be busy, Fairbanks is the place to be. It is the second biggest city in the state and has a long mining history which is carried on today at the wonderfully named Fort Knox mine owned by Canada’s $C12.6 billion Kinross Gold Corp.

Unlike the namesake gold vault down in Kentucky, Fort Knox the mine is running short of gold. So Kinross has been searching far and wide for new ore supplies to keep the mill full, most recently striking a supply deal with a project more than 400km away.

So what does all that have to do with the Brisbane-based Felix? A lot actually.

It has been busy since listing in 2021 pursuing its strategy of consolidating a ground position in and around Fairbanks with a view to becoming a solution for Fort Knox, or finding something big enough to become a standalone operation.

It is now the biggest tenement holder in the Fairbanks mining district and has two advanced projects that the guys and gals at Kinross will be watching closely – North West Array and Grant.

Things could start to get interesting for the small cap company later this month with the expected release of a maiden resource estimate (MRE) for NW Array.

It will be on top of the current MRE for Grant of 5.8Mt at 1.95g/t gold for 364,000oz, including an underground resource of 136,000oz grading 6.2g/t. If the projects were 400km or 500km from Fort Knox, Felix’s current market cap would be about right.

But as the moose wanders, NW Array is 13km from Fort Knox, and Grant about 25km.

TORQUE METALS (ASX:TOR): Trading mid-week at 20c for a market cap of $37 million. Pending newsflow – maiden resource estimate for a key project.

Torque owns the Paris gold project – it takes its name from the Paris Gold Mining Co which floated on the Adelaide Exchange back in 1920 – to the south-east of Kalgoorlie.

It is prime gold (and lithium) country with Torque’s neighbours including gold mining heavyweights like Gold Fields and Northern Star, and the Bald Hill lithium mine of Mineral Resources.

The company recently completed a 10,000m drilling program at Paris which was increased from the originally planned 6,500m. Such increases can be a good sign.

There is not a long wait now as results from the assay lab were expected to start flowing early in June, and here we are in mid-June.

The plan is to feed the results into a maiden resource estimate by the end of July, or soon after. There is a lot of interest in this one because of the thick and high-grade gold results reported in previous drilling.

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