Belararox finds another potential porphyry at its TMT copper project

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A large porphyry system with elevated molybdenum has been discovered at Belararox’ Malambo target at the TMT project
Targets explored so far all show indications of porphyry mineralisations, similar to major nearby deposits
Malambo and Toro become Priority 1 drill targets


Special Report: Assays from rock chip samples support the potential for a significant porphyry system at Malambo, part of Belararox’ Toro-Malambo-Tambo (TMT) copper project in Argentina.

Porphyry deposits are monsters, often economic from copper concentrations as low as 0.15% copper with by-products such as molybdenum, silver, and gold.

Discovering porphyry potential at the Malambo target supports Belararox’ (ASX:BRX) recent results at the Toro North target, where rock chip sampling showed indications of porphyry-style mineralisation with 1.41% copper, 2.49ppm gold and 484ppm silver.

Porphyry potential was also discovered from early exploration at the Tambo South target.

While exploration is still in the early stages, geological results from all targets so far boast similar characteristics to major discoveries on the same belt.

Notably, Filo Mining Corp’s C$3.3bn 644Mt Filo Del Sol mine backed by BHP (ASX:BHP), as well as the Los Helados and Potro Cliffs projects being developed by TSE-listed NGEx Minerals.

The TMT project and surrounding deposits. Pic supplied: (BRX)


Malambo copper and molybdenum

Assays from rock chip and talus samples collected from the Malambo Target at TMT support a potentially significant porphyry target.

Results from 318 samples collected by the Belararox team consisted of 7 rock chip samples, 248 systematic rock chip samples and 63 systematic talus samples.

The most prospective, central part of the Malambo porphyry system is characterised by a large and coherent molybdenum (Mo) in rock and talus anomaly with >5 parts per million (ppm) Mo that exceeds 1000m x 650m – consistent with the surface expression of several global porphyry deposits.

The highest anomalous surface values found to date indicate 2360ppm (0.24%) Cu, 35ppm Ag, 1720ppm Mo, 632ppm Zn and 467ppm Pb. Because of the sheer scale of porphyry copper systems, anything above 0.15% copper can be economically viable.

The findings at Malambo add another Priority 1 drilling target in addition to the Toro epithermal and porphyry systems.

“Supported by elemental ratios and noteworthy pathfinder elements, alongside classic alteration zonation, our confidence in the TMT project’s potential is bolstered,” BRX MD Arvind Misra says.

The Malambo target and rock chip samples showing copper and zinc levels. Pic supplied: (TMT)


Next steps

BRX says it will now work on integrating and interpreting the datasets from Toro North, Toro Central, Toro South, Malambo and Tambo in 3D to guide defining drill targets for an upcoming maiden drill campaign.

Workstreams in the near future include completing environmental studies, water analysis and permits and finalising the selection process for drilling contractors.

Malambo and Tambo Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) are being reviewed to expand the Malambo drilling permits from the current 2000m to >5000m and acquire a new Tambo drilling permit of ~3000m.



This article was developed in collaboration with Belararox, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.


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