Far East Gold scores goal with first ever Aloe Rek hole returning sweet, thick, high grade gold intersection

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Far East Gold strikes high-grade gold at the highly prospective Aloe Rek prospect area
First hole returns 12.4m at 5.59g/t gold and 25.3g/t silver from 82.3m including 4m at 11.83g/t gold and 33.56g/t silver from 85.5m
Aloe Rek was the top ranked prospect during Barrick Gold’s tenure
Surface mapping extends total vein system strike length at Woyla to 18.5km


Special Report: Far East Gold has rattled the back of the net with its first drill hole at the Aloe Rek prospect at its Woyla project in Indonesia’s Aceh region, which intersected thick, juicy, high-grade gold in the Victory vein system.

The Victory vein system was originally Barrick Gold’s top priority prospect within the copper-gold project when the world’s second biggest gold miner owned the ground, indicating that the gold major was on to something even though it never got round to drilling.

Far East Gold (ASX:FEG) has already proven the gold potential of the 242.6km2 project with drilling indicating a significant gold-silver bounty present within the Rek Rinti prospect area.

Recent drilling had intersected bonanza grade gold of 0.9m at 32.65g/t gold and 117g/t silver from a down-hole depth 87.2m within a broader 27.8m mineralised zone of quartz vein and breccia that assayed at 2.49g/t gold equivalent in the Pertama vein system.

The high-grade zones within Pertama are consistent with other high-grade gold-silver intersections noted in the Agam and Rama veins within Rek Rinti.


Cross section of hole ARD001 looking north. Pic supplied (FEG)


More gold? Yes please

FEG has now proven beyond a doubt that gold-silver mineralisation is present beyond Rek Rinti with initial assays from the first Aloe Rek hole returning a sizeable 12.4m intersection grading 5.59g/t gold and 25.3g/t silver from a down-hole depth of 82.3m that includes a higher grade interval of 4m at 11.83g/t gold and 33.56g/t silver from 85.5m.

Other intersections in hole ARD-001 are:

5m at 2.36g/t gold and 10g/t silver from 46m including 0.5m at 15.91g/t gold and 69g/t silver from 47m; and,
8m at 3.58g/t gold and 8.85g/t silver from 123m including 0.4m at 6.79g/t gold and 10.9g/t silver from 123m.

The company notes the assays show strong association of high-grade gold with significant arsenic and antinomy, which is consistent with its interpretation that the Aloe Rek vein exposures reflect a high level of formation within Woyla’s epithermal system.

It also substantiates assaying of previous rock chip sampling and supports FEG’s belief that there’s more high-grade gold to be found at Aloe Rek.

To date, the company has completed four of the nine scout holes it is drilling to test the Victory vein systems. These holes will be drilled at 100m spacing over a strike length of 500m and vertical depths of ~120m.

Interpreted extent and orientation of quartz veins within the interpreted structural corridor extending south from the Rek Rinti prospect area. Pic: FEG


More mineralised veins

Adding interest, FEG has increased the total vein system strike length at Woyla from 13,000m to 18,500m after recent surface mapping identified additional veins within the Rek Rinti to Beurieung prospect structural corridor.

None of the added 5.5km vein extent has been drill tested or sampled in detail to date.



This article was developed in collaboration with Far East Gold, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.

 This article does not constitute financial product advice. You should consider obtaining independent advice before making any financial decisions.


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