Western Yilgarn rolls up sleeves in preparation for drilling across key projects in WA

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Western Yilgarn prepares to drill key projects in Western Australia
The company is focused on delivering results for shareholders over the months ahead
As well as drilling, airborne electromagnetic surveys will be carried out to detect conductor minerals 400m underground


Special Report: Western Yilgarn’s three projects in WA will be the subject of upcoming exploration work following a recent $1.15m capital raising backed by institutional investors.

The explorer is now perfectly placed to dig into 24 identified targets that show early prospectivity for copper-nickel-PGE and LCT pegmatites at the Ida Holmes Junction project.

As well as a planned reverse circulation drilling campaign, exploration tools such as auger geochemistry and airborne surveys will be used over selected parts of the 607km2 project to highlight conductor minerals found up to 400m underground.

Western Yilgarn (ASX:WYX) says the tendering process for Aircore and RC drilling services is well underway, with late March anticipated for contractor selection.


Two nickel-copper-PGE targets

Phase 4 auger drilling over the newly granted and underexplored E36/1066 lease has been temporarily suspended due to significant rainfall in the region.

This program includes two high-priority nickel-copper-PGE targets close to the Ida Fault and Holmes Dyke Junction that were followed up by previous explorers BHP/Nickel West in 2011 and St George Mining in 2015.

Apart from those two campaigns, no other drilling has been carried out at the project as it was previously thought to be a barren granite unit with no potential for nickel mineralisation.


Exploration at Julimar West

Meanwhile at Julimar West, the tendering process for airborne electromagnetic surveys has kicked off.  WYX is hoping the program will provide valuable feedback when target areas are flown, given the success by neighbouring explorer Chalice Mining (ASX:CHN).

The company expects to survey targeted areas in a search for Ni-Cu-PGE targets similar to Chalice’ Gonneville mineralogy. ??

In addition to Gonneville mineralogy, the company hopes to complete more testing in relation to the GSWA grab samples from the lease containing tantalum, niobium and tin.  A 400-to-600-hole auger geochemistry plan is in the works to support this.



Recently completed auger works at the Boodanoo project related to testing the 2.4km long x 1.4km wide LCT pegmatite target on ~39km2 lease E59/2496.

WYX will mobilise back to the project once pending application E59/2881 is granted and a supporting POW is in place.

A desktop review on this identified a quality gold in soil target that has not been explored further.


‘Tighter focus anticipated to deliver results’

“The exploration plans as announced are well budgeted and prioritised,” WYX GM Gavin Rutherford says.

“Our maiden RC/AC drilling program plus upcoming surveys for the Ida Holmes project is very exciting to contemplate – our projects must demonstrate potential to deliver results for shareholders with our tighter focus anticipated to deliver excellent results from priority work-fronts over the months ahead.”




This article was developed in collaboration with Western Yilgarn, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.


This article does not constitute financial product advice. You should consider obtaining independent advice before making any financial decisions.


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