Rising Checked Bag Fees: Strategies to Lighten the Load

Estimated read time 2 min read

In a recent move that’s set wallets trembling, major airlines, including Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, JetBlue Airways, and United Airlines, have decided to hike their fees for checked bags. This decision is poised to have the most significant impact on families, notorious for travelling with more luggage, according to Katy Nastro, a travel expert at Going. The fee adjustment has seen United Airlines setting the new benchmark at $40 for a first checked bag at the airport and $35 for those who opt to prepay online at least 24 hours before their flight. These adjustments represent a $5 increase from their previous rates, aligning closely with the fee hikes implemented by American and JetBlue, with the latter now charging $45 per checked bag.

The trend of charging for checked bags has been around for a while; it took off in 2008, with airlines levying around $15 per bag. Fast forward to late 2023, and the rates have doubled, with passengers potentially incurring an additional $80 on their travel expenses for round-trip itineraries due to these recent changes. According to the Bureau of Transportation, this trend has significantly contributed to the airlines’ revenue, with passengers shelling out approximately $6.8 billion in total baggage fees in 2022 alone.

However, not all is lost for the cost-conscious traveller. There are viable strategies to mitigate these costs, ensuring your travel budget inflates appropriately. From opting for airlines like Southwest, known for not charging for the first two checked bags, to leveraging credit card perks offering free checked bags, numerous ways exist to dodge these fees. Other strategies include combining bags within travel groups, upgrading your fare to include baggage, and investing in a luggage scale to avoid overweight baggage fees.

As the air travel landscape evolves, with additional fees becoming the norm, travellers must stay informed and explore all available options to minimize costs. While these fee hikes may seem daunting, with a bit of planning and strategic packing, it’s possible to circumvent them, ensuring your travel experiences remain as affordable as they are enjoyable.

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