Many Peaks Minerals is drilling for discovery at its Odienné gold project

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Many Peaks Minerals starts 6500m drill campaign at the Odienné project
Diamond drilling underway to follow-up on open gold mineralisation
Auger drilling will test priority gold-in-soil anomalies on extensions to favourable gold in air core drilling results


Special Report: Many Peaks Minerals has started a 6500m reconnaissance drilling campaign to test juicy targets at its recently acquired Odienné project in northwest Côte d’Ivoire.

Many Peaks Minerals (ASX:MPK) secured the right to earn up to 85% in the Ferké, Oumé and Odienné projects by sole-funding exploration to feasibility study.  The earn-in was acquired from Turaco Gold (ASX:TCG) and Predictive Discovery (ASX:PDI) earlier this month in an all script transaction..

Formerly part of Resolute Mining’s (ASX:RSG) portfolio, the projects cover an area of 1275km2 adjacent to some of West Africa’s biggest gold deposits.

Odienné comprises two granted exploration permits covering 758km and is directly north of Centamin’s 2.2Moz ABC project

It is also contiguous with the Awalé-Newmont joint venture ground along trend to the south, where Awalé as operator is demonstrating Odienné is an emerging copper-gold district with its recent BBM and Charger prospect discoveries.

It hosts a more than 20km corridor of gold in soil anomalism along trend from Awalé’s BBM discovery with multiple gold anomalies confirmed  in shallow AC drilling.


Odienné South permit with gold in soil and auger anomalism outlines, previous air core drilling locations, with proposed diamond drilling and auger sampling locations. Pic: Many Peaks Minerals


Diamond and auger drilling

MPK is carrying out 1000m of diamond drilling in five holes on 400m spaced lines to follow-up on open gold mineralisation highlighted in preliminary aircore programs completed in late 2023.

It will also drill 4000m of auger holes across three priority gold-in-soil anomalies over a 20km extent and another 1000m of auger in the first follow-up test of surface gold-in-soil anomalism on a 6km long, subparallel structure situated 11km northeast of previous drilling.

This campaign comprises reconnaissance drilling across an aggregate 26km extent of gold anomalism on two sub-parallel structural trends associated with the flexure in the high-strain corridor proximal to the margin of the Archean Man craton.

Notably, the high-strain corridor is on trend with PDI’s 5.4Moz Bankan project, the third-party 2.16Moz ABC project, and a contiguous land position held by a Awalé Resources/Newmont joint venture that hosts multiple recent high-grade gold and copper discoveries.

“Through our board’s depth of West African operational experience, we have established an experienced technical team and have quickly advanced to a drill-ready stage at the Odienné project,” executive chairman Travis Schwertfeger said.

“We are very excited about follow-up work across the extensive anomalies at Odienné and the opportunity to leverage off quality work by previous explorers generating systematic exploration datasets including high-resolution geophysics and surface geochemistry.

“Previous work in combination with the current drilling and geochemical campaign positions Many Peaks to advance an aggressive exploration campaign at Odienné over the coming year, with results of the current campaign expected to define multiple prospects for continued drilling at Odienné to dovetail with commencement of drilling activities at the highly prospective Ferké Project in the 2nd half of the year.”



This article was developed in collaboration with Many Peaks Minerals, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.


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